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Speaking:  Keynotes & Workshops

I offer a series of keynotes and workshops each year. Creating healthy and resilient communities has many facets including growing skills for participative leadership and decision making, trauma and resilience informed care, co-regulation, and self-healing practices.


Creating cultures of health invites us to anchor well-being in our work at every level of system. There are solutions at every age and life stage to grow resilience. 


We partner with many organizations and networks to bring these understandings, courses, and practices into systems and communities of practice.

 60 mins - 4 hrs

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Everyone Deserves a Chance to Fly -- To Flourish

First offered for the Kahewai Summit for Early Childhood Care Providers. The birds, turtles, and four-legged friends have a lot to teach us about human anatomy and flourishing. They will be our guides as we discover how to care for our nervous system, brains, and vital organs. Our experiential session will explore the Power of Ease Keys to help our families to flourish. The self-care practices learned are helpful for caregivers and can be shared with children and families. (90 minutes)

Create a Strong Foundation for Wellbeing

Support your physical and mental health by connecting to your natural relaxation reflexes. Most people are familiar with what happens when their fight, flight, and freeze reflexes are triggered. Our Create a Strong Foundation for Wellbeing workshop helps you discover and activate the relaxation reflexes in your body to cultivate comfort and balance within you. You will learn simple processes called "Ease Keys" — quick, responsive exercises that you can do anywhere in just a minute. Spark the healing and restorative capacities within you and your community. (90-120 minutes)

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Addressing Vicarious Trauma in the Workplace

There is a lot we can do to address vicarious trauma personally and in our organizations. Witnessing or hearing stories of traumatic or overwhelming experiences is hard for our nervous systems and minds to process. Our bodies keep the score, and vicarious trauma often impacts our physical or mental health, relationships, and ability to show up for our clients.


Develop restorative and self-healing practices you can use throughout your day to care for your nervous system. Create organizational cultures that practice self-care and co-care. Hear stories of organizations who are finding ways to successfully address vicarious trauma. Take an intergenerational approach to creating self-healing and resilient communities (4 hours)

Trauma Informed Care - N.E.A.R. Science Approach

Healing centered practice is individual, collective, and systemic in nature. Trauma Informed Care reflects the understanding of the impacts of trauma and toxic stress on health and life. Especially important is the impact of toxic stress on the developing brain. Adversity in early childhood is a root cause of physical and mental health issues. There are many factors that mitigate the risk and impact of adversity. Those protective factors are rooted in attachment and relationships with caring adults, social cohesion, development of social and emotional skills, and meeting basic needs. N.E.A.R. Science (Neuroscience, Epigenetics, ACEs, and Resilience) help us understand the help that helps and offers a paradigm for creating self-healing communities and organizations. (90-120 minutes)

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Community Resilience is the Key

The Self-Healing and Resilient Community Model reflects strategies for how to move toward flourishing communities. We are addressing the impacts of intergenerational trauma and toxic stress in all our work around physical and mental health. We know that trauma tends to increase generation to generation unless we intervene. There are intervention strategies at every age and stage of the lifespan. Taking a two generation and community capacity building approach has proven results to improve community wellbeing and the ability to buffer the impacts of adversity. (90 minutes)

Take Care of Your Heart: Empower Your Brilliance

Our bodies are our vehicles that move us through all of life, the twists and turns of life, the ups and downs of life, the pandemic of life, and even the crashes. The more we understand how these amazing vehicles work, the easier it is to tune them up. The heart and lungs nourish all the systems and all the vital organs, including the brain. Taking care of our hearts we empower our brilliance. When we find the balance and ease within, our brains are ready to learn and be in social engagement. Coming out of the stressful and distressing time of pandemic we need simple restorative practices that really work. The Ease Keys are simple tune up practices that help us return to learning, relationships, and life. Together we take time to take care of our amazing hearts. (60-90 minutes)

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The Restorative Practice of Self-Regulation

Bring wellbeing to Restorative Justice efforts. Being a Restorative Justice Practitioner can be stressful, heartfelt, and demanding. We know that trauma impacts the brain and the body, the “body keeps the score.” Our brains and bodies are also able to heal as we work with the intelligence of our bodies. Simple movement and breath practices activate the restorative processes in our bodies. Connect with the ease and peace within. Help our brains come out of survival mode and reconnect with our natural brilliance. (3 hours)

  • Experience the restorative power of your breath and tap into the healing power of breath.

  • Explore how your body can help you restore balance after a stressful event or situation.

  • Develop a set of simple self-care and co-care practices you can share with others as part of your restorative justice efforts. 

Other Services

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Evolve your organization or community toward healing centered engagement.

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Check out my wide range of course offerings -- also customiziable for groups.

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Explore the inner work of leadership.

Coaching is available for ongoing clients and students.

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